Sissy Maid Training

Mistress Lady Penelope sitting on one sissy maid, being worshipped by two more and attended by her head maid.

Sissy Maid Training School And French Maid Training Academy


Mistress Lady Penelope

Medway Kent UK M2 J4

Telephone For Appointment on: 07970183024

sissy maid training

Table of Contents

Staying Overnight

Mistress Lady Penelope has had many requests from clients for overnight stays. Mistress has now decided to grant these requests and will offer clients an opportunity to stay overnight before their appointment, or stay the night after their appointment. This is completely optional.

You will be staying downstairs with Mistress Lady Penelope’s 24/7 Live-in Maid Sissy Barbie, to experience a little of the life of Mistress’ 24/7 Live-in Maid.

If you stay the night before your appointment with Mistress Lady Penelope, on the following morning you will be dressed downstairs in your female attire as chosen by Mistress beforehand. Once you have finished downstairs and ready for your appointment with Mistress Lady Penelope, you will come upstairs and will receive your make over from Mistress.

If you are staying overnight after your appointment, then once your appointment with Mistress Lady Penelope has finished, 24/7 Live-in Maid Sissy Barbie will take you downstairs to the maid’s quarters. 

Whether staying before or after your appointment, you will be expected to perform some light duties. You will cook and serve 24/7 Live-in Maid Sissy Barbie’s evening meal and the same meal for yourself. Head maid Sissy Barbie will decide on the meal but previously notified dietary/allergy requirement may be taken into account.

The next morning you will serve 24/7 Live-in Maid Barbie her Breakfast in bed, on a breakfast tray. Breakfast will be offered to you too.

You will leave at 9am in the morning. In order for 24/7 Live-in Maid Sissy Barbie to resume her duties for her Mistress Lady Penelope.

There will be a supplementary charge for your accommodation and food.

Sissy maid training

Sissy Maid Training Or French Maid Training.

Beta males who submit to training can be disciplined into being any category of maid I decide they are most suitable for, maid of all work (skivvy), lady’s maid (often misspelt ladies maid), French maid, house maid, chamber maid, parlour maid, kitchen maid, scullery maid, between stairs maid (tweeny), laundry maid. The term maid is shortened from maiden and it was originally applied only to virgins. Losing their virginity also meant losing their employment at one time.

You may think a maid could cover up their loss, but a Lord or Lady could tell through the gain in confidence and loss of humility, making them unsuitable to serve.

Maid Of All Work

Apart from in very grand houses, the small number of people who can afford a maid normally have just one. Those maids are not specialised and have to do all maid duties and so are called maids of all work. A genetically male maid is most likely going to be a maid of all work.

Mistress Lady Penelope has long owned a maid of all work, 24/7 live-in head maid sissy barbie, and is extremely experienced in how to make a maid give excellent service.

Lady’s Maid

A lady’s maid was at the beck and call of their lady and had no other duties and was very high in the servant hierarchy. They would travel with their lady and always be there to assist. They would assist their lady to dress and would attend to their Mistress’ hair and beauty and always be willing to express an opinion on what to wear and the lady would often take the maidservant’s advice. This was not just choice of a dress but hats, jewellery, the arrangement of the lady’s hair and her complete appearance.

A lady’s maid maintained the wardrobe contents. In Victorian times the hems of dresses touched the ground. Crossing the street was problematic because of the huge numbers of horses leaving their calling cards. To ameliorate the problem the dresses themselves had slightly higher hem to which was sewn a strip of cloth which was replaced every day. Removing the filthy strip and sewing on a new one was the daily responsibility of the lady’s maid. In the crinoline era the circumferences of the hems were very long and the maid must have worked long hours on this one chore alone.

Sissy maid training

French Maid

Originally French maids were lady’s maids who spoke French and were well versed in the latest Paris fashion but in fiction they are saucy French girls of easy virtue. Both wore black and white afternoon uniforms which have over time become shorter and often accompanied by fishnet stockings.

I say afternoon uniforms as it was normal years ago for maids to wear a pink uniform trimmed with white in the morning and change into a black uniform trimmed with white for the afternoon and evening. For our purposes here, French maids wear black uniforms and sissy maids wear any colour. There may be a correlation with bunny girls where junior bunny girls wore bright colours and the most senior ones wore black.

Parlour Maid

The parlour maid looked after all the reception rooms not just the parlour. They cleaned and tidied and also served their betters, answering the summoning bells in these rooms. However in houses with footmen the maids normally had to go about their duties unseen by their employers and if caught in a room would press themselves against the walls hoping not to be noticed. They would resume their duties only once their betters had left the room.

Chamber Maid

The bedrooms were cleaned and tidied by chamber maids. This included making the beds, and for that they had special long aprons, not to protect their uniforms from the bed, but to protect the expensive bed linen from their filthy uniforms as chamber maids had to draw water from a well or pump or other water source and so had to go outside. They would top up the copper in the kitchen and once hot would lug heavy jugs up the narrow servant’s stairs for their betters to wash or bathe in. All this would normally be done unseen by their employers.

Naturally much of the heavy work of a chamber maid is now done by plumbing but the role continues in hotels where a chamber maid will work on dozens of bedrooms a day, cleaning, making the beds, replenishing toiletries and the contents of the fridge bar, folding the end of the toilet roll to show they have been there, changing the towels etc.

Laundry Maid

All clothing, bedding and towels would be washed and dried and if needed, ironed by the laundry maid. She would put dirty laundry into a tub of hot water taken from the kitchen ‘copper’. She would add soap and use a wood or metal dolly handle to agitate the articles for 15 minutes or more, empty the dirty water and repeat a further couple of times with plain water to rinse the cloth.

The items were fed between the two wooden rollers of a mangle (also called a wringer) under the pressure of a large spring to remove as much water as possible. The term ‘mangle’ refers both to the machine and to the fingers of any poor laundry maid whose fingers were caught by the rollers as she fed in the items.

In good weather the items would be hung outside on a washing line to dry. In bad weather, a pair of cast iron frames which had thick dowels running between them, onto which the items were hung to dry. The whole apparatus was lifted high into the air by ropes and pulleys and tied off onto a cleat hook. This could be in a laundry room, in the kitchen and I know of one house where it was done in the orangery.

When dry, some items would have the wrinkles removed with a smoothing iron. Originally a heavy iron casting with an integral handle and a flat base which was heated up on a fire and once hot, run across the surface of the items to be flattened. Later these were lighter and powered by internal heat source, either charcoal, liquid fuel, town gas or now electricity. Careless laundry maids could burn the items, or themselves.

The life of a laundry maid was boring hard work and not without risk.

House Maid

All the above categories come under the general category of house maid.

Kitchen Maid

These worked for the cook, who was not a maid, often a widow. The kitchen maid assisted the cook preparing vegetables etc. as well as cooking the staff food. In modern parlance a sous-chef.

Scullery Maid

A scullery maid washed the crockery, cutlery, pots and pans, dried them and put them away. Most items were in the kitchen but silverwear would be returned to the custody of the butler and stored under lock and key in the butler’s pantry. She would scrub the kitchen and pantry floors. The lowest in the domestic staff hierarchy.

Between Stairs Maid (Tweeny)

Usually younger and hence more energetic maid who could run up and down stairs many times without collapsing. On a par with a scullery maid in the hierarchy. They waited on the senior staff, Butler, Housekeeper and Cook.

Strictly Virtuous Services Only

Mistress Lady Penelope offers only virtuous services for Sissy Maid Training or French Maid Training .

Any client attending one of Mistress Lady Penelope’s sessions, for Sissy Maid Training or French Maid Training ,who makes any immoral request to Mistress or her Sissy Maid during your visit, will be asked to leave the premises immediately, will forfeit their deposit and tribute, they will be automatically banished.

Mistress Lady Penelope’s Sissy Maid Training / French Maid Training Services, Mistress has a private dressing room for her clients, with full length mirrored wardrobe which is extremely important, privacy is paramount in this business. All refreshments and food is provided during your visit with Mistress Lady Penelope.

What is femdom? It is short for female domination.

Female(s), in this instance Mistress Lady Penelope is dominant over male(s), in this case sissy maid(s). Mistress controls them, humiliates them, makes them perform menial tasks they would normally be too embarrassed to perform because they are “women’s work”, yet as they are Mistress’ slaves they have no choice but obey. They know they would otherwise be punished with physical pain, mental pain and/or bondage, further amplifying their weakness. Usually their male parts are locked up, this of itself is humiliating and erotic but they have no outlet for their frustration, they are denied even masturbation. This sexual misery is the same as what drives males during courtship and makes them sacrifice to the object of their desire.

For Mistress Lady Penelope this is her lifestyle. Mistress has a live-in maid to serve her 24/7, even at night if Mistress needs anything, her maid is there at Mistress’ beck and call. Very few other Mistresses have this luxury and truly understand how a weak male can be harnessed to her will, emasculated, made to wear maid uniforms, forced to adopt female mannerisms, inhibited from escape and self expression, permanently kept under control, living life through Mistress, feeling good at Mistress’ triumphs, feeling terrible at Mistress’ setbacks.

Aiding and supporting Mistress with no thought for personal needs, Mistress’ whims take priority, yet Mistress keeps her maid safe and secure (in both senses) and if Mistress identifies something essential for the maid’s wellbeing, Mistress allows and indeed commands it. Anything non essential the maid wants are never expressed by her, though if Mistress becomes aware of them by other means, they can be used as rewards for excellent service beyond the norm.

Mistress Lady Penelope And Her 24/7 Live-In Lifestyle Sissy Maid Barbie

sissy maid training

Sissy Maid Training or French Maid Training.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Mistress Lady Penelope. I possess a 24/7 lifestyle Sissy Maid dedicated to me, 24/7 Live-in maid sissy barbie. Sissy barbie who is permanently locked into a male chastity device (sometimes with bells attached). This makes her all the more subservient and so adoring to me her Mistress. My little pet is totally and utterly devoted to me.


Mistress Lady Penelope’s mincing sissy maid always tells me the truth, trust is so vitally important to me.


Pliability is almost as important, the ease with which I can bend her to my will, influence and control her. She must be flexible enough to instantly adapt if I change my mind. She must carry out my wishes without questioning why or pointing out I have done a ‘U’ turn like some newspaper hack. A Lady is always free to change her mind.


In Sissy maid barbie’s mind, her first priority is to serve Mistress Lady Penelope. To please me at all times, her own needs are secondary, Sissy maid barbie’s desires are of no significance whatever. Mistress admits I have selfishly redirected my mincing sissy maid’s pent up energy, into a desire to make Mistress Lady Penelope happy. My sissy maid seems unable to comprehend how Mistress Lady Penelope is using her frustration to enslave her mincing sissy maid. Her simple male brain cannot see how easy it is for a me to use her to my advantage.

Manipulation And Usage Of My Maid’s Humble Adoration

Is Mistress Lady Penelope evil, Yes. Does Mistress care, NO I do not care. Does she like it, absolutely Yes. My mincing sissy maid adores Mistress Lady Penelope’s mind, she never knows what to expect from me.

Despite Mistress Lady Penelope controlling her life, not allowing my mincing sissy maid to pursue her male interests. Totally embarrassing her to the point of total utter humiliation. My mincing sissy maid has discovered she is addicted to this form of humiliation, Mistress has total control over her. My maid hates it if she has to wear male clothes. She much prefers to be so tightly corseted, until  she can hardly breath. Being locked in her sissy maid’s uniform at all times, with her bells tinkling away with every single move

Total Obedience

Mistress’ mincing sissy maid adores when I issue an instruction. She obediently scurries away after curtseying to me, uttering her mantra “Yes Mistress Lady Penelope”.

My mincing sissy maid often anticipates my needs and my desires, almost falls over herself to fulfil all Mistress’ whims. Mistress Lady Penelope’s mincing sissy maid is never ever allowed to complain. She know if she uttered a word of complaint, if she should tut, sigh or mumble she will be severely dealt with. Anything but a bright positive manner will not be tolerated, negativity is forbidden.

When Mistress Lady Penelope barks an order to my obedient mincing sissy maid, she does not think about how she can get out of it, she gives me her complete obedience at all times. My mincing sissy maid just replies “Yes Mistress Lady Penelope” together with a curtsey,. She submissively minces off to follow my instruction to the letter no matter how demeaning it is for her, otherwise she will be punished.

Temporary Separation

When Mistress Lady Penelope is away from her mincing sissy maid, she has to report in regularly to inform  her Mistress what is happening, Mistress’ mincing sissy maid must always be available for me. She must drop everything, come adoringly running back to her Mistress Lady Penelope, if I request her services. Prime example, if I were to say to my mincing sissy maid that one plus one is three, she might ask if I was sure but if I were to say Yes I am sure, she would accept it and act accordingly. I am her world, she revels in her Mistress Lady Penelope. I use my mincing sissy maid’s devotion to enhance my life.

For Sissy Maid Training, Contact Mistress Lady Penelope On 07970183024

When potential new Mincing Sissy Maids telephone Mistress Lady Penelope, for Sissy Maid Training or French Maid Training for Mistress to grant a Sissy Maid an audience, so Mistress Lady Penelope can train her Maids to Mistress’ exacting high standards, I always point out to my Sissy Maid. No matter who and where you have been trained previously, you shall learn MY way or suffer the consequences.

Candidates seeking to be trained for Sissy Maid Training or French Maid Training, will be interviewed by Mistress Lady Penelope to determine Sissy Maids limits and aptitudes, hence suitability to be trained as a Sissy Maid. You want to be trained by the best in the business, Mistress Lady Penelope, but many to do not conform to my high entry standards, are consequently rejected despite all their begging to Mistress.

Mistress Lady Penelope’s aim is to train any Mincing Sissy Maid to be good enough to serve as one of my stable of Maids for Sissy Maid Training or French Maid Training.

Sissy maid training

Fundamentals Of Sissy Maid Training Explained By Mistress Lady Penelope

Imagine mincing sissy maid, the stomach-churning daunting feeling as you wait silently and patiently at my foreboding large double entry door. Oh what such anticipation and trepidation, just waiting for my Command for you to enter. The door will be opened by my 24/7 Live-in maid Sissy Barbie, Mistress Lady Penelope shall command you to “Enter”. You will slowly enter my hallway. You will  stand to attention, head bowed by my French door, dare not move or utter a single word  until  you have received my next command.

24/7 Live-in maid Sissy Barbie will present a silver tray to Mistress Lady Penelope on which resides the Mistress’ red velvet punishment book with my initials L P in diamanté stones, with a matching red velvet pouch bag with my initials L P in matching diamanté stones, such decadence don’t you agree?


The red velvet pouch bag contains Sissy pink numbered badges Numbered 0 to 13. 24/7 Live-in maid Sissy Barbie will walk over to you, then you will put your hand in the bag. Without looking, stir the badges within the bag and then retrieve a badge at random. Hypothetically, lets say if it is number 13. The badge will read “Sissy Maid Number 13”. You will be awarded 13 points which will be entered against you in the red velvet punishment book. These will administered to you at some point during your stay. Excellent behaviour can earn points back.

No Mincing Sissy Maids shall ever be called by a name during their  Sissy Maid Training with Mistress Lady Penelope. You will now be known simply by just a number, how humiliating is that?

Imagine you drew badge number 0. You would be lucky to not have any punishment points in the book, but for the rest of your session you will be called zero. How incredibly humiliating!


24/7 Live-in maid Sissy Barbie will lead the new Sissy Maid into the dressing room.

The Sissy Maid will receive a professional make over. Then be locked into a sissy maid uniform which Mistress Lady Penelope has selected the the Sissy Maid to wear for her period of servitude, indoctrination and attitude modification.

To preserve your innocence and for extra humiliation, all Mincing Sissy Maids will be forced to wear a male chastity device. 24/7 Live-in maid Sissy Barbie will instruct you how to put it on. The key to the chastity device will be placed upon a special heart shaped pink sissy satin cushion with satin roses, pearls, and diamantés, with a clear heart shaped plastic box at the centre to hold the key. You will present to Mistress Lady Penelope who will retain it until Mistress dismisses you.

A mincing sissy maid will be dressed in sassy french knickers to match your uniform. They will have ribbons attached with bows and bells sewn onto them.  This is so that Mistress Lady Penelope knows if you are slacking.

Calls Of Nature

If mincing Sissy Maid needs to use the bathroom, you must always knock on Mistress Lady Penelope’s lounge door first. Stand to attention until Mistress is ready to address her Mincing Sissy Maid. Whilst waiting, you will stand absolutely still, back straight, head up, eyes down. Knees and ankles together, with your skirt and 100 yard petticoat fanned out, elbows back and pinkie fingers raised. When Mistress Lady Penelope ask you what you want you will meekly say “Please Mistress Lady Penelope, may I have your permission to have my bag unlocked so I can go to the bathroom”.

Mincing Sissy Maids Etiquette By Mistress Lady Penelope

Ladies learn over many years to be modest, act demurely but mincing sissy maids must be trained much more rapidly. Very few find this comes easily, most need many reprimands and punishments before it becomes second nature to them.

All Mincing  Sissy Maids will be trained to keep their knees together, their ankles together. They must take small steps which is called Mincing. They will learn to hold their elbows back and close to their waist. To take up the minimum of space with their bodies. Mincing sissy maids who do not learn this lesson will be locked into elbow cuffs. These will be closely linked to a belt with bells attached. Hence they are forced to hold their elbows correctly. Compliance is not optional. Moving and standing like a man when in a Sissy Maid’s uniform is totally unacceptable and makes you look tarty.

For instance, bending forward at the waist is prohibited because it flashes the knickers. You must bend your knees and keep the hem of your dress horizontal. Persistent offenders will be forced to wear red panties under a short pink or black maids uniform. If I see red knickers, points will be entered into my red velvet punishment Book.

Failure to mince will result in your ankles being fitted with leather fetters ankle cuffs. These will linked by a short chain until such time as you have learnt your lesson. Repeat offenders will be strapped into leather leg binders and made to stand to attention. They must keep their heads bowed and their skirts held fanned out. Their pinkie fingers pointing upwards, until I dismiss the errant sissy maid. Bells will be attached to the leg of your corset straps, so the slightest movement will ring the bells. Points will be awarded and entered into my aforementioned red velvet punishment book.

Leather cuffs can be fitted to your arms above your elbows, connected with a slightly longer chain behind your back. Naturally this makes performing your chores more difficult. However you must still work just as quickly and efficiently. No allowances made for being punished, it is your fault that you are punished not mine.

Sissy maid training

Curtseying And Bobbing

Mincing Sissy Maids will be taught to curtsey in the style Mistress Lady Penelope demands. Mincing Sissy Maid must do so with your knees and ankles together, skirt fanned out, pinkie fingers raised, elbows back and held in and back straight, head up but eyes down. Next you will then bend your knees whilst raising your skirt a little. You will wait for Mistress to give you permission to rise. This may be verbally or by clapping three times while Mistress Lady Penelope say un, deux, trios. This makes you concentrate.

You will also be taught to bob, which you will do when both your hands are busy. For instance if you are carrying one of my silver trays bearing my tea set. The process is the same as curtseying but without fanning out your skirt. Poor posture will be corrected with a special posture collar.

Many Mincing Sissy Maids in training find it very difficult to keep their pinkie fingers raised. To help you, Mistress Lady Penelope has designed a very interesting device to monitor your progress. You will wear a silver device on both your pinkie fingers with ribbons hanging down. The ribbons are in colours to match your uniform. On the lower end of the ribbons are bows and bells.

If your finger droops whilst standing to attention, the tinkling of the bell will draw my scrutiny to you, Mistress Lady Penelope shall correct you with a verbal warning, or if you keep on repeating this offence, points will be awarded which will be entered into the red velvet punishment book. If you fail repeatedly to learn your lesson you will be forced to put on the discipline heavy pinkie ring device. This has black satin ribbon and large red 50mm bells attached to add to your discomfort and humiliation. If these ring then you will be severely punished.

Mincing Sissy Maid will be taught to stand and move gracefully much as one would expect from a finishing school. Graceful movement is enforced with a bell collar locked around your neck. For repeated failure to move gracefully, ankle and wrist cuffs with bells attached will be added. Graceful movement does not ring the bells above a slight tinkle, and that acts as a reminder, if you ignore the reminder and Mistress Lady Penelope will hear the bells ringing loudly, points will be automatically awarded in my red velvet punishment book.

Mincing Sissy Maids must always be humble and respectful of their betters. Answering back will be severely punished physically, you will also be forced to wear a gag to prevent any repetition. To add to your total humiliation, Mistress Lady Penelope’s 24/7 Live-in maid sissy Barbie will attach a huge bright red bell to the gag to enhance your utter humiliation.

Lesser offences may be punished with humiliation alone if Mistress Lady Penelope is feeling merciful. For instance a collar with bells will be locked onto your neck, sometimes wrist and ankle cuffs with bells may be added too. Mistress will then know exactly where you are within the house, and know if you are slacking or working hard by the tolling of the bells.

To add to your total humiliation, an LED illuminated pink band can be made to flash through your sassy french knickers.

If a Sissy Maid should accidentally spill the tea when serving me, or fail to keep their finger on the lid of the tea pot when pouring, they will be forced to wear arm corsets which prevent bending of the elbow. Again no allowance will be made, you must be just as efficient wearing them and if you cannot keep up, further punishments will be entered in Mistress Lady Penelope’s red velvet punishment book.

Other Forms Of Punishments For Mistress’ Mincing Sissy Maids

Wrist cuffs can also be used as minor punishments, with or without a  linking chain as Mistress Lady Penelope deems fit. Shoes can be locked on. A device which feels just the same as a ring through the nose can be used to counter any disobedience. An arm binder can be used to hold the shoulders back giving constant distress and even one of my weakling maids can easily hold or pull a leash attached to the ring at the hands, the force being multiplied by the leverage in your own arms giving agonising pain should you try to pull away, or a gentle yank will be a very effective punishment for any misdemeanour.

Mistress Lady Penelope has a pink straight jacket proclaiming that you are the “Property of Mistress Lady Penelope” to add to your total and utter humiliation. Mistress has a pink Lycra hood you will be zipped into after inserting  ear plugs into your ears, depriving you of all your senses. Onto the hood are sewn two large bells, more on your ankles. If you move and make the bells ring, it will further extend you sentence standing between the french doors of Mistress Lady Penelope’s private living room.

One of Mistress Lady Penelope’s favourite toys, is a steel Scavenger’s Daughter, you will be locked into, sit between the French doors, your arms, legs and neck firmly clamped together for Mistress’ amusement.

A good Mincing Sissy Maid should try to blend into the background and not draw attention to herself, either visually, audibly, or via any of the five senses, including the sense of smell. Mincing Sissy Maid must only present herself freshly bathed. If Mistress Lady Penelope should detect body odour, Mincing Sissy Maid will be punished, sent home without any refund for wasting Mistress’ time.

Mincing Sissy Maid will only speak to Mistress Lady Penelope only to acknowledge her understanding of an instruction of Sissy Maid Training or French Maid Training or answer a direct question. Mincing Sissy Maid is not permitted to sing or whistle, should only carry out her duties as silently as possible. Even when wearing bells, a Mincing Sissy Maid must move gracefully, as to minimise the sound of the bells. A Mincing Sissy Maid is very vulnerable. A Mincing Sissy Maid’s life is full of dangers, any Maid who is not afraid is extremely foolish.

If a Mincing Sissy Maid speaks without permission, she will be forced to wear a mouth mask with a large silver bell attached. If Mincing Sissy Maid has punishment points pending, the silver bell will be replaced with a large red bell as a reminder to the Maid, everyone around her she has broken the rules, will be punished at a time convenient to Mistress Lady Penelope. How humiliating is this my Mincing Sissy Maids?

Any client who books an appointment for Sissy Maid Training or French Maid Training with Mistress Lady Penelope attends on their own volition.

Clients who fails to disclose any medical conditions to Mistress Lady Penelope will be held accountable for their action in not disclosing their medical condition or medication needed to be taken to treat it. Mistress is not responsible for consequences arising because of their failure to divulge this information.

All clients will have to sign a consent form which includes an agreement to abide by the preceding two paragraphs..

A £100 deposit will be required before you attend your Sissy Maid Training or French Maid Training appointment. The reason why Mistress Lady Penelope is requesting a deposit from you, is that Mistress has to take a day off from her own personal business, to attend her appointment with you. The deposit is non refundable.

Naughty Sissy Maid Has Just Received Corporal Punishment

How Humiliating For Her?

Sissy maid training

Bespoke Sissy Maid Uniforms And Prissy Sissy Dresses And Everything To Go With Them, Custom Made To Your Measurements By Mistress Lady Penelope’s Dressmaker.

Very soon Mistress Lady Penelope will be offering a collection of bespoke, made to measure Sissy maid’s uniforms, Sissy Prissy dresses and petticoats .

You may have seen a photo of a maids uniform or Sissy Prissy dress you would like my dressmaker to copy for you, or you could design your own Sissy maid’s uniform or Sissy Prissy dress.

To accompany your Sissy maid’s uniforms and Prissy Sissy dresses, Mistress Lady Penelope has Petticoats in organza, 70 yards or 100 yards with bodice or without bodice in an array of different colours.

Mistress Lady Penelope will provide you a chart on how to measure yourself. Send Mistress your measurements together with the length of Sissy maid’s skirt you require, or for Prissy Sissy dresses all you need to do is to provide the length of dress you require.

If you are interested please send Mistress Lady Penelope an email stating your requirements, or any photo or design you have.

Email address is:


Sissy maid training

Mistress Lady Penelope Is Located In Medway In Kent
Off The M2 Exit 4, Or The M20 Exit 6.
By rail to Rainham, 55m from Victoria or Paddington

Appointments Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday Or
Friday 10am To 4pm.

Free Parking Available Nearby.

This Is Strictly By Appointment
Only, Please Telephone
Mistress Lady Penelope On:
07970183024 But Do Not
Withhold Your Number.

Email: mistressladypenelope666 Or Use The
Form On The Contact Us Page But Please Type Your Email
Address Carefully Otherwise I Will Be Unable To Reply To You.
The ‘Contact Us’ Page Can Be
Accessed Via The Page Menu At The Top Of This Page.

For clients who are overseas or unable to travel to attend in person,
Mistress Lady Penelope has decided to provide telephone or Skype video training.

There are clients who adore total and utter humiliation to
whom Mistress Lady Penelope can offer the same service.

Mistress can also offer novice crossdressers
advice on how to measure and where to purchase clothing etc.

If any client is interested, you can send an email to
mistressladypenelope666 to discuss
your requirements, your tribute and when you are
available to book a session with Mistress Lady Penelope.

I would like to point out that Mistress Lady
Penelope does not work daily on her hobby as
Mistress has a business to run and business meetings to attend to.